This is Not a Problem!
I recently heard a wonderful talk by Tara Brach about the importance of the attitude we hold towards the bumped and bruised places in our...

You Are Not Alone...
EVERYTHING IS WAITING FOR YOU (After Derek Mahon) Your great mistake is to act the drama as if you were alone. As if life were a...

Filling in the Gaps
This scene from "The Help" is one of the most potent images of nurturance that I have ever seen on film. Here Aibileen, the "help" is...
Together Alone?
Not too long ago, we were at a family gathering with relatives we hadn't seen for awhile. I was so excited to see everyone; it had been...
3:10 Minutes to Dissolve
Did you ever feel as though you had a crust around your heart? That you just needed to melt into...something...but you just didn't know...
Magic Sentences of Love
"I love to watch you..." I was moved by Special Ed teacher Rachel Macy Stafford's writings on the impact of these words on her family as...

Oxytocin: Your Calm and Connect Chemical
i know that touching was and still is and always will be the true revolution.--Nikki Giovanni I want to share a secret with you. You have...

How to Connect? Just Listen...
When we shift our attention toward listening, our whole world changes. Learning to listen is equal to learning to love. --Ruth Cox My...

Let Your Heart Open Like a Flower...
So many people tell me of their yearning to connect more richly with themselves and others, but feel stymied by being too scattered or...

Why would someone do that?
This charming video takes an actual conversation a father had with his two year old, and re-enacts it with an adult man. It is...