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Great Books to Accompany You on Your Path


Books are our companions, always there when we need them.  Many

get and better with each visit, some are there just at the right moment and that is it....but they are always a gift.  Below is a non-comprehensive list of some of my good friends who have offered sage advice. I am hoping that some will become mutual friends!


May they give you inspiration, insight, courage, and confidence that there are many wayshowers.  You are never alone in your search.

As Mr. Franklin says, "The doors of wisdom are never shut"....



Compassionate, Mindful, Joyful Living


Let Your Voice Speak,  Listening for the Voice of Vocation,  Parker Palmer


Radical Acceptance, Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha,  Tara Brach, PhD


Naikan, Gratitude, Grace, and the Japanese Art of Self-Reflection,  Greg Krech


A Path With Heart,  A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life,  Jack Kornfield


Start Where You Are, A Guide to Compassionate Living,  Pema Chodron


Emptiness Dancing, Adyashanti


Bouncing Back, Rewiring Your Brain For Maximum Resilience and Well-Being,  Linda Graham


Tales of a Wounded Healer, Mariah Fenton Gladis


At Home in Muddy Water, A Guide to Finding Peace within Everyday Chaos, Ezra Bayda


Crucial Conversations, Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Kerry Patterson


Loving Kindness, The Revolutionary Art of Happiness, Sharon Salzberg


Buddha's Brain, Rick Hanson



Movement, Breath and Body


Body Stories, A Guide to Experiential Anatomy, Andrea Olsen


Body and Earth, An Experiential Guide, Andrea Olsen


How Life Moves, Explorations in Meaning and Body Awareness, Caryn McHose and Kevin Frank


The Breathing Book, Donna Farhi


Centered and Connected, A Therapeutic Approach to Mind-Body Awareness, Thea Rytz


Moving From Within, A New Method For Dance Making, Alma Hawkins


The Expressive Body in Life, Art, and Therapy, Working with Movement, Metaphor and Meaning, Daria Halprin


The Serpent and the Wave, A Guide to Movement Meditation, Jalaja Bonheim


Life on Land, The Story of Continuum, Emilie Conrad



Creativity and Healing


Life, Paint and Passion, Michelle Cassou


Point Zero Painting, Michelle Cassou


Painting From the Source,  Aviva Gold


SoulCollage Evolving, An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery & Community,  Seena Frost


Healing with the Arts, Drs. Michael Samuels and Mary Rockwood Lane


Women Who Run with The Wolves, Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Art is a Way of Knowing, Pat B. Allen


Art is a Spiritual Path, Pat B. Allen


Centering, In Pottery, Poetry, and the Person, MC Richards


Free Play, The Power of Improvisation in Life and the Arts, Stephen Nachmanovitch





The Gift, Poems by Hafiz the Great Sufi Master, Daniel Ladinsky


Love Poems from God, Twelve Sacred Voices From the East and West, Daniel Ladinsky


To Bless the Space Between Us,  A Book of Blessings,  John O’Donohue


Go In and In, Poems From the Heart of Yoga, Donna Faulds


Silent Sacred Holy Deepening Heart, Em Claire





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