"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Resources to Support You on Your Path
My EMDR teacher's website offers encouragement, education, exercises, and suggested readings that are supportive to clinicians and those working through trauma. www.trauma101.com
National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine is a pioneer and leader in the field of mind-body-spirit medicine. Focuses on mindfulness and spirituality in healing, trauma training, and brain science. Though this site is targeted toward clinicians, anyone could benefit from its cutting edge resources. www.NICABM.com
Downloadable Teachings and Meditations
A wealth of free downloadable guided mindfulness meditations by Dr. Don Siegel. http://www.mindfulness-solution.com/DownloadMeditations.html
Free downloads of powerful talks from insight meditation retreats.
Seven daily activities that make up the full set of "mental nutrients" you need to function at your best. These essential mental activities strengthen your brain's internal connections and your connections with other people and the world around you. www.drdansiegel.com/resources
Dartmouth College sponsors this excellent website to encourage healthy behavior in their students, and it is available to us too! It has many excellent user friendly and well researched resources on topics including stress management, sleep issues, relaxation, and nutrition.
Personal Growth
Audio Learning Courses, Interactive Learning Kits, Music, Instructional DVDs and more. Topics include: yoga, meditation, psychology, creativity, health and healing, self-discovery, relationships. Free downloads available. My favorite resource. www.soundstrue.com
This site offers a wealth of creative ways to incorporate spiritual practices into my daily life, drawing upon the riches of all the world’s religions. www.spiritualityandpractice.com
Affordable online personal growth classes, inspiration and free emails on a wide variety of topics. Something for everyone! www.dailyom.com
Guided imagery pioneer Belleruth Naparste's site includes research, tips, support, ideas and guided imagery to help with panic, sleep issues, trauma, anger management, and creativity. A great resource. www.belleruthnaparstek.com
On Being is a soulful and amazingly rich NPR radio program that can be listened to as a free downloadable podcast. It is a "spacious conversation — and an evolving media space — about the big questions at the center of human life, from the boldest new science of the human brain to the most ancient traditions of the human spirit." www.onbeing.org
If you don't know Brene Brown's work, you simply must remedy that! She has spent the past decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame and her work has inspired millions to live more wholeheartedly. www.brenebrown.com
Creative, safe, loving, and transformative Gestalt therapy workshops and trainings with Mariah Fenton Gladis, Dr. Mark Putnam, and Dr. Dori Middleman. I can't recommend Mariah's book "Tales of a Wounded Healer" more highly. www.gestaltcenter.com
This heart centered, generous website is a useful resource for seekers of psychological health and resilience, healthy relationships, creative authenticity, spiritual well-being, and for professionals whose lifework it is to serve such seekers. Exercises, quotes, accessible research-a top notch site.
Movement Resources
American Dance Therapy Association Website. www.adta.org
Authentic Movement. www.authenticmovementcommunity.org
Contemplative Dance is at once a creative resource, a spiritual practice, and a psychological pathway. This is my teachers' website. They offer retreats, trainings, and workshops. It is work of impeccable integrity. www.contemplativedance.org
Qi Gong is one of my favorite practices to enliven my energy, clear out stress and tension, and center myself. Lee Holden's site is a great introduction to it. www.leeholden.com
Kripalu Yoga focuses on getting in touch with one’s own innate wisdom and happiness through cultivating nonjudgmental awareness. Bonnie Showalter is a master teacher. www.yogaunlimited.org
Yoga is one of the best gifts a young person can receive to help them ground, center, and connect with their source. Susan Lazarchick is certified to teach teen yoga, and has worked with adolescents in clinical settings for over a decade. Highly recommended. www.shriyogapa.com
Creativity/Art Resources
Supplies and resources for SoulCollage(R) work: www.hanfordmead.com
Home website for SoulCollage(R): www.soulcollage.com
Resources and support (and my teacher's site!): www.kaleidosoul.com
"Abbey of the Arts" is an online global monastery without walls offering retreats, classes, books, and resources to nurture contemplative practice and creative expression. www.abbeyofthearts.com
Top 50 Art Therapy Blogs...a must see. www.intuitivecreativity.typepad.com
Recognizing that creativity and beauty are powerful agents for healing and change, Barefoot Artists works with poor communities around the globe practicing the arts to bring healing, self-empowerment and social change. So inspiring! www.barefootartists.org
An oasis of beauty, this website by dream expert Toko-Pa is a soul feast that offers vitamins for your right brain. Imagery, poetic musings, trusted advice on dreaming...well worth a visit. www.toko-pa.com
Great prices on Tempera paint and painting paper www.etriarco.com
Art Supplies galore! www.dickblick.com