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Movement Therapy


You are not just a talking head. A life of wholeness requires that you bring the intelligence and expressiveness of your body alive. You need to have a bodily knowing of your own truth.


Movement therapy sessions can include both curative and expressive elements. To cope with stress, anxiety or depression, you may learn various body oriented coping skills such as breathwork, yoga, energy exercises, or Chi Gung techniques. These are life long skills that can serve you long after therapy ends.


Depending on your need and personal comfort level, you may also be invited to try structured movement explorations, sensory awareness techniques,  or Authentic Movement. These explorations are profoundly reparative, and are available to you with  sensitivity to your level of comfort and interest.


Nothing changes until something moves!

"Movement, to be experienced, has to be 'found' in the body, not put on like a dress or a coat. There is that in us which has moved from the beginning. It is that which liberates us.


       -- Mary Whitehouse

Founder of Authentic  Movement

"When you set the psyche in motion, it heals itself"  
                                                               Gabrielle Roth
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